I’m one of those freaks about body fluid. I used to be a little squeamish but then I got with this girl who was all about making herself squirt all over my face. And she was all about me cumming all over her face. So yeah, I’m kinda got into it really quick. I mean, if there were AA meetings for this type of addiction I’d probably go. Well, not to quick but to pick up chicks.
My love for all things squirty extends to my porn viewing habits, obviously. That means I frequent webcam sites. I personally like the Live versions of these sex acts much more than their video clip alternatives. You should check out some squirting sex chat rooms right now! There is no shortage of them on Fkdpanda.com. I feel like changing my mailing address to their URL because that’s where you can find me most often these days.
Click that link and see just how many sluts are online and spraying their viewers in the virtual face with their sexy juice.